Want to know what we’re doing about MESH?
Current Status
- Engaged with Primary Care system suppliers to prove the MESH standards are globally applicable to clinical correspondence and ensure user engagement with the solution
- 7 Hospitals delivering via MESH to 6 CCG’s
- IP Discharge, A&E discharge, OP, Radiology, One-off letter types
- All above delivered using MedisecNET to EMIS and TPP (SystmOne)
- Insulates our clients during the move to a fully MESH solution into GP system, in supporting all other receiving mechanisms
Next Steps
- Develop automated endpoint look-up for out of area practices
- Identify and connect other Social Care entities (i.e. adult social care) as generators and receivers of clinical correspondence
- Provide private health sector with MESH access – Standardisation
Want to be Paper Free at the Point of Care by 2020?
Our NET and PRINT modules allow you to transmit letters electronically and centralise the printing of those letters that are out of area. Combined with the use of our Digital Dictation product and MESH, this will provide an auditable, efficient and timely method of becoming paper free.
Our Document Import is a generic letter interface that can be used to import external letters in MedisecTRUST e.g endoscopy letters produced by Unisoft.
Our Document Export allows correspondence to be exported to 3rd party systems e.g exporting letters to the Cheshire Care Record, outsourced printing to PSL, case note systems etc.
See below for more information on MedisecNET and MedisecPRINT.
Digital Dictation – looking for quicker sign off?
To support care integration, the timescales for the production of Outpatient letters to GPs following clinic attendance will reduce to 10 days (from 1 April 2017) and 7 days (from 1 April 2018). From 1st October 2018, clinic letters will need to be transmitted electronically as structured messages using standardised clinical headings. This will also apply to A&E discharge summaries along with the requirement that both clinic letters and discharge summaries to general practices should be delivered via direct electronic transmission and not via e-mail.
Using our Digital Dictation provides the ability for clinicians to sign off letters electronically instead of reviewing printed letters.
See below for more information on Medisec Digital Dictation.